Cima del Basòdino - 3272 m

From the cableway's station of arrival at 1891 m, going in the W-SW direction, you reach the Randinascia basin 2156 m; now follow the SW direction on rolling terrain up to the moraine. Continue on the moraine towards W-SW up to an altitude of 2764 m. Ascend the Basòdino Glacier on the N-NE ridge of Pizzo Cavergno up to about 3000 m. Going S, continuing gradually to ascend, you reach the E ridge at about 200 m from the summit and by the same route on rock stepping stones, you reach the summit.

The use of crampons may be necessary on all ascent or descent routes. We recommend being accompanied by an Alpine Guide.

Distance: 6.58 km
Elevation difference: 1504 m
Length: from the cableway station 4.30 hours
CNS: 1271

Excerpt from the book "Guide to the Western Ticinese Alps" 1
by Giuseppe Brenna