“Carnera. Vita da Primo” - Svizzera



From to

Text, interpretation and direction: Emanuele Santoro
?Assistant Director: Antonella Barrera
??New production by e.s.teatro, Lugano
?Primo Carnera, the first Italian heavyweight boxing world champion, in 1933, and Primo Carnera the man. The gentle giant from Sequals, Friuli. His story represents one of the rare cases in which the dimension and cultural reflections of the character transcend the sporting image. An extraordinary life characterised by poverty and wealth, misfortune and luck, harsh reality and fairytale, pain and joy, power and delicacy. From the misery of the Great War to the world title, from the darkness of the cinemas in the French suburbs (as a spectator) to the Hollywood sets (as an actor), from begging in the Friulian countryside to dinners at Buckingham Palace with the heir to the British throne, from freak to boxer idol of the masses and of Italian emigrants, for whom he represents the symbol of social redemption. In the early 1930s Primo Carnera is one of the most famous people in the world. But he is the Primo of all times, the person in whom one recognises purity and goodness of spirit, humility and honesty, sense of duty and spirit of sacrifice.

CHF 25.
?CHF 20.
??Members CHF 22.-/17.- AHV


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