Guided tours on the occasion of European Heritage Days




On Saturday 9 September, the Fondazione Marguerite Arp is organising guided tours of the home and studio of Hans and Marguerite Arp, which is not normally open to the public.
On the occasion of the European Heritage Days, organised by the Federal Office of Culture (FOC), the National Information Centre on Cultural Heritage (NIKE) and the cantonal and communal offices for the preservation of monuments and archaeology, the Fondazione will open its doors to the public. On the occasion of the special opening, there will be the opportunity to visit the sculpture park as well as the exhibition "Arp. Journey in the Orient" exhibition.

Saturday 9th September
3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Guided tours in German

Duration of the guided tour: 40 minutes

Maximum number of participants per guided tour: 12 persons.

Practical information
Registration for the guided tours is required
Guided tours are free of charge


  • Exhibitions and fairs
  • Get-togethers