Heinrich Bachmann Exhibition



From to

Heinrich Bachmann exhibits in Brissago

Was born in 1940 in Rothenburg, he currently lives in Lucerne and Locarno.
He studied architecture in Ulm and urbanism at the Architectural Association in London.
He discovered painting at a young age at the Art Institute in Lucerne with Max von Moos and Godi Hofmann and frequested courses during several years at the Art Institute in Zurich. After retirement, he visited one semester at the Hochschule fu?r Bildende Ku?nste in Dresden (De). He has been painting for 18 years in his Atelier in Lucerne.
The central subject in his paintings are the landscapes. Many paintings represent sceneries in Ticino, but also in Tuscany and Provence. These are real situations, that he either paints directly on site, or sometimes later in his atelier, as memories of trips or walks that impressed him.
The artistic expression consists of creating something new with simple surfaces and with few colors, that embodies the essence of a situation or atmonsphere.
The value of artistic work lies in the dialogue between the painting and the viewer.

Opening hours: from Tuesday to Friday 15-17.30, Saturday morning 10-11.30 or by appointment: [email protected] 091 793 43 36.


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