IO PINOCCHIO - Theater and dance show with live music
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Clinica Santa Croce, in collaboration with Teatro Danzabile, invites you Friday 13 October to Palazzo dei Congressi in Muralto for Daniele Zanella’s show IO PINOCCHIO.
This evening, as an annual custom, represents an opportunity to reflect on the central theme proposed by the World Health Organization for World Mental Health Day 2023: "Mental health is a universal human right".
IO PINOCCHIO is an autobiographical reinterpretation of Collodi's novel which narrates the experience lived by Daniele Zanella as a child growing up in institutions for people with learning difficulties.
The show will be followed by a moment of discussion with Sara Fumagalli, medical director of the Clinica Santa Croce, Daniele Zanella, author of the show, Emanuel Rosenberg, artistic director of the Teatro Danzabile, and Antonio Caggioni, head of the Sociotherapy service of the Clinica Santa Croce.
The show is free entry and will be followed by an aperitif. Any donations will be given to the Archivio Diversità Cognitiva e Inclusione Andicap Ticino.