The big Monte Comino party




After a break of a few years, the traditional Festa sul Monte di Comino returns with its delicious “carne alla pioda” and various fresh salads. A rich raffle, a lot of fun and good music with the Trio Fregüi and the Bandella MonteComino.

Ascent from Verdasio by cable car starting at 08.00, the cost of the ascent is 50% off, on foot in about 1.25 hours or by helicopter at Fr. 25 per person starting at 500 metres from the cable car from 09.30.

The programme includes:

  • 10.30 a.m.: Holy Mass. Following this there will be the enchantment of the gifts.
  • 12.00 noon: distribution of “carne alla pioda” with genuine salads.
  • 2 p.m.: official part for the 30th anniversary of the construction of the cable car.
  • 3 p.m.: lottery draw.

Use of the Centovallina to reach Verdasio is very recommended, with the possibility of obtaining a 20% discount with the Ticino Event promotion.

In case of bad weather the event will be postponed to Tuesday 15 August 2023 with the same programme. More information can be found on the MONTECOMINO social platforms and on the website or [email protected]



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